
Nicole Hott

Accounts Payable | Years of Service: 11

Nicole has been with MJM Electric for 11+ years. She was originally hired to serve as a receptionist, however her ability to learn quickly and passion to excel led her to quickly taking over as the Accounts Payable Manager. Nicole also manages the third party safety compliance to include ISN, GRMS and Avetta which requires monthly updating and maintenance of current MJM Electric data, training and policies.

Nicole handles bonding and Insurance for MJM Electric Projects. She also oversees the fleet for MJM Electric, making sure when a new vehicle is purchased it is ready for the road in addition to keeping track of the gas and milage reporting. Her friendly and outgoing personality is a great reflection of the company and the values we stand for.

Her key strengths are:

  • Very intelligent
  • Quick learner
  • Highly organized
  • Great personality
  • Good representative of the company both in person and on the phone


Office Phone: 813-248-1711

Nicole Hott
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