
GAF Sill Yard MCC Upgrade

GAF Still Yard

The project started off with the installation of a new MCC room and all the associated drives and gear which also had a new generator backup system. The next task was comprised of installing new tray throughout the still yard, as well as the installation of new feeders to 18 existing motors and control cables to PLC cabinets located in several  areas of the plant.

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TECO South Hillsborough Operation Center Roadway Project

TECO South Hillsborough

TECO Installed a new road from the back of their property to a new road installed by the county. MJM was tasked in installing (2) gate operators, (2) electrical services and the grounding of approximately 3,000 feet of fencing. Along with the gate operators we installed card readers for the gate operators.

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Mosaic Recognizes MJM Electric, Inc.

Mosaic Safety Awards 2023

For over thirty (30) years MJM Electric has been one of the few preferred electrical contractors to perform work in the various Mosaic facilities in Florida. Every year Mosaic recognizes the contractor’s that they partner with for exceeding Mosaic’s Safety Performance Goal. The past year was no different for MJM Electric.

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Sunshine Skyway Bridge ATS Replacement

Sunshine Skyway Bridge ATS Replacement

MJM Electric was recently tasked with an electrical project serving a prominent Tampa Bay area landmark – The Sunshine Skyway Bridge.

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Ruskin TECO Generator Replacement

MJM Electric was contracted by TECO to disconnect and physically remove an existing 250KW generator at the Ruskin TECO facility.

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Erik Axson Recognized For Jobsite Safety

Erik Axson

MJM Electric recently recognized one of the field employees who went above and beyond for safety. Erik Axson was recognized while working on the job site for making safety a priority.

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Safety Committee

MJM Electric is committed to a safety first culture that is clearly evidenced in our company tagline, “Safety and Quality are our priorities!” One of the many ways that we ensure that we are not just talking about ‘safety’ as an ideal but rather ‘safety’ as a practice is that years ago we formed a Safety Committee. The safety committee is currently chaired by Matt Woodward. Matt is also the Shop Superintendent and therefore directly involved with all manpower in the field as well as operations between all project managers. In addition to the chairman the committee is made up of 5 additional members. Traditionally the membership is equally divided between office and field employees to ensure proper representation of all parties. The current member are Bobby Bolling and Joy Parshell from the office and Leon Justin, Chuck Minnicks and Brian Lynch from the field.

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NECA President Visits MJM Electric

NECA President at MJM Electric

MJM Electric was recently visited by the President of NECA, Kirk Davis. While here Kirk toured the MJM Electric Office Headquarters as well as our warehouse and prefabrication shop.

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TECO Projects

TECO Central HVAC Upgrades MJM will assist the General Contractor in the change out of the HVAC system at TECO Central main building. This will require us to disconnect all VAVs as the AC contractor will be replacing them. Once the new VAVs are in place we will reconnect the units. MJM will also disconnect […]

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GAF Projects

Stillyard MCC As a sub to DB Construction, we’re providing lights and power to a new Stillyard MCC room. The equipment in the new room is powered by us under a separate contract to GAF. Stillyard Infrastructure This $300k plus job is to supply 1000 kva of power to the new Stillyard MCC gear. The […]

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